
Don’t know what to do?

We can help!


We provide free confidential support, material assistance, referrals and information in a safe, caring environment.

Free Pregnancy Tests!


Real Answers.
Real Help.

When a woman thinks she might be pregnant, there are lots of questions. We can provide the answers and encouragement that you need. You don’t have to face life’s questions alone. Think you might be pregnant? Click the button below to learn about your first steps.

  Considering Abortion?

Know your OPTIONS.

Get the FACTS.

Learn about the risks and long term physical, emotional, relational and spiritual side effects before you make a decision you may regret later.

The Rachel Pregnancy Center is proud to have served our local community since 1993!

What Our Clients Are Saying


I honestly don’t know what would have happened in my life if I didn’t find the Rachel Pregnancy Center. They are truly a Godsend. They helped my family and I so much with diapers, wipes, clothes & baby items. They have also brought my family & I closer to God. I love the Bible studies & (Client Advocate) is always there for me. The Rachel Pregnancy Center is a special place…Thank you so much.


“Everyone is so friendly & helpful and so many great services.”


“I really like how helpful and kind you are and have classes to help prepare to be a new mother. I appreciate all the help and services you provide.”


“I love the friendly and caring people, they are always very helpful and kind.”


“I love how nice, understanding the people are. They always offer help or advice. There is no judgement and they all just want to help out. Being a first time mom is scary enough but this place helps with pretty much all the preparing and makes things less scary.”